Take A Free ASNT SNT-TC-1A Level 2 Exam Practice Test – Quiz Course

Here you can Take A Free ASNT SNT-TC-1A Level 2 Exam Practice Test with latest Question and Answers


Acoustic Emission Testing Level II
1. When detecting impulsive acoustic emission signals on large objects, the peak of the signals normally decreases with increasing distance from the source.
This alteration, dependent on distance, cannot be explained by:



Which of the following factors will tend to produce a low-amplitude acoustic emission response during a tensile test?



The kaiser effect is:



Electromagnetic Testing Level II
Alternating Current Field Measurement Technique
During an ACFM weld inspection, the measurement of crack depth is NOT dependent on:



What effect would you expect if the coils in an ACFM probe were smaller and closer together?



The Bx magnetic field can best be described as:



Eddy Current Level II
The fill factor when a 1.26 cm (0.5 in.) diameter bar is inserted in a 2.54 cm (1 in.) diameter coil is:



If the characteristic frequency (FG) of a material is 125 Hz, the test frequency required to give an f/fg ratio of 10 would be:



For age-hardened aluminum and titanium alloys, changes in hardness are indicated by changes in:



Remote Field Testing Level II
In the remote field zone with distance, the magnetic field distribution decays:



The exciter and the receiver coil/ coils in a remote field probe are separated by a distance greater than _____ the tube diameter.



Frequencies selected for RFT inspection are:



Ground Penetrating Radar Level ll
The ratio of the largest receivable signal and the minimal detectable signal is called the:



What is gating?



Why is deworming important?



Guided Wave Testing Level ll
How are guided wave testing results typically calibrated?



The dispersion curves for guided waves in steel pipes are MOST influenced by:



Which of the following is a guided wave in the plate?



Leak Testing Level ll, Bubble Leak Testing Level ll
Which of the following factors directly determines the size of the bubble formation when using the bubble test method?



When a vacuum gage is marked with a range of 0-30 with the notation “vacuum” on the face, the units of measurement are:



The type of leaks that are most likely to go undetected during a bubble leak test are:



Halogen Diode Detector Level II
Most leaks detected during a halogen sniffer test could have been detected and usually can be verified by:



The presence of small traces of halogen vapors in the halogen diode detector:



A halogen standard leak of a certain size produces a known signal on a halogen leak detector. To receive this same intensity signal on the instrument during the test of an object containing a 2% by volume halogen-air mixture, the size of the leak in the object causing the signal would theoretically have to be at least times larger than the standard leak.



Mass Spectrometer Level ll
A torr is defined as:



When conducting a helium mass spectrometer test of a vacuum vessel in the pressure range of 10-4 to IQ-8 mm Hg, which type gauge could be used to measure the pressure?



Helium standard leaks in the range of IQ-6 to 10-10 atm cc/s are known in general terms as:



Pressure Change Measurement Level II
When a system’s internal dry bulb’s internal temperature and, in turn, total pressure, increase during a pressure change leakage-rate test, the water vapor pressure in the system under test would normally:



Por a pneumatically pressurized constant-volume system at an internal temperature of 27 °C, what approximate percentage change in the system absolute pressure can be expected for a system internal temperature change of 1 °C?



One set of internal dry bulb temperature data for a pressure change leakage-rate test is:



Liquid Penetrant Testing Level II
When conducting a penetrant test, spherical indications on the surface of a part could be indicative of:



A commonly used method of checking on the overall performance of a penetrant material system is by:



Which of the following is a discontinuity that might be found in a forging?



Magnetic Flux Leakage Level II
The highest sensitivity of a hall effects sensor is obtained when the direction of the magnetic field in relation to the largest surface of the hall probe is:



What particular type of defect is not indicated by flux leakage techniques?



Flux leakage is created at a discontinuity because of the change in:



Magnetic Particle Testing Level II
When testing a bar with an L/D ratio of 4 in a 10-turn coil, the required current would be:



Which of these cracks may appear as an irregular, checked, or scattered pattern of fine lines usually caused by local overheating?



If a copper conductor is placed through a ferrous cylinder and a current is passed through the conductor, then the magnetic field (flux density) in the cylinder will be:



Microwave Technology Level II
The approximate wavelength of the microwave electromagnetic signal at 10 GHz in a material with e= 4.0 is:



The mechanism of microwave wave interaction with matter to create images is:



Neutron Radiographic Testing Level II
Which of the following conversion screens has the longest half-life?



Neutron radiography can be used for inspecting
which of the following applications?



Real-time imaging of thermal neutron radiography can be performed with which of the following detectors?



Radiographic Testing Method Level II
When radiographing to the 2-2T quality level, an image quality indicator (IQI) for 6.35 cm (2.5 in.) steel has a thickness of:



The approximate radiographic equivalence factors for steel and copper at 220 kV are I.O and 1.4, respectively. If it is desirable to radiograph a 1.27 cm (0.5 in.) plate of copper, what thickness of steel would require about the same exposure characteristics?



If a specimen were radiographed at 40 kV and again at 50 kV, with time compensation to give the radiographs the same density, which of the following statements would be true?



Computed Radiography Level II
A commercial computed radiographic system classification, such as ASTM E 2446, groups CR systems using a rating in order to characterize their relative performance levels.



The phenomenon that causes materials to emit light in response to external stimuli is known as:



Photo stimulated luminescence (PSL) is a process in which a phosphor that has ceased emitting light because of the removal of the stimulus once again emits light when excited by light with a _____than the emission wavelength.



Computed Tomography Level II
A CT image is a representative map of________ at each point in the plane.



The spatial resolution has a limiting value determined by the of the system and the amount of data and _________



Contrast sensitivity refers to the ability to _____ the presence or absence of features in an image.



Digital Radiography Level II
The term “bad pixel” is best described as a pixel:



Flat panel gain, offset, and pixel calibrations ensure:



One of the main advantages of DR, or flat panel utilization, as compared to CR to accomplish an inspection task is typical:



Thermal/lnfrared Testing Level II
Latent heat energy can be described as the energy:



Which of the following surfaces will provide the most accurate radiometric temperature measurement?



How hot does an electrical connection need to be for it to be classified as a serious problem?



Ultrasonic Testing Level II
If a contact angle-beam transducer produces a 45-degree shear wave in steel (VS= 0.323 cm/s), the angle produced by the same transducer in an aluminum specimen (VS= 0.310 cm/s) would be:



A discontinuity is located having an orientation such that its long axis is parallel to the sound beam. The indication of such a discontinuity will be:



An ultrasonic longitudinal wave travels in aluminum with a velocity of 635 000 cm/s and has a frequency of 1 MHz. The wavelength of this ultrasonic wave is:



Phased Array Level II
Identify the factors that would produce the largest beam steering angles:



Which of the following best fits this description “the ultrasonic capabilities of resolving two adjacent defects along the acoustical axis through a small ultrasonic path”?



What happens to the beam spread at higher beam angles when using a swept angle scan from 45° to 70°?



Time of Flight Diffraction Level II
Frequencies used for TOFD inspection are most dependent on:



Calculate the probe center spacing (PCS) to focus at a 15 mm depth using a pair of 70-degree probes.



Calculate the depth of a defect given the following information:
Tx probe delay: 7.8 µs (pulse-echo measured)
Rx probe delay: 6.2 µs (pulse-echo measured)
PCS 59.6 mm
Bottom tip signal 30 µs
Material velocity 5960 m/s longitudinal 3230 m/s transverse 3010 m/s surface



Vibration Analysis Level II
A Lissajous orbit that has a long elliptical ( cigar shape) appearance is an indication of:



The purpose of a bode or polar (Nyquist) plot is to verify the presence of:



The two most common problems that will produce a higher amplitude at 2x RPM than at 1 x RPM in a vibration spectrum are:



Visual Testing Level II
Handheld magnifiers should fall into which of the following ranges?



Visual examiners who perform visual exams using borescopes and fiberscopes must be:



A narrow field of view produces:


Question 1 of 74

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In this Practice Test we are covering all the technique questions with answers given in the list below:

  • Acoustic Emission Testing Level II
  • Electromagnetic Testing Level II
  • Alternating Current Field Measurement Technique
  • Eddy Current Level II
  • Remote Field Testing Level II
  • Ground Penetrating Radar Level ll
  • Guided Wave Testing Level ll
  • Leak Testing Level ll
  • Bubble Leak Testing Level ll
  • Halogen Diode Detector Level II
  • Mass Spectrometer Level ll
  • Pressure Change Measurement Level II
  • Liquid Penetrant Testing Level II
  • Magnetic Flux Leakage Level II
  • Magnetic Particle Testing Level II
  • Microwave Technology Level II
  • Neutron Radiographic Testing Level II
  • Radiographic Testing Method Level II
  • Computed Radiography Level II
  • Computed Tomography Level II
  • Digital Radiography Level II
  • Thermal/lnfrared Testing Level II
  • Ultrasonic Testing Level II
  • Phased Array Level II
  • Time of Flight Diffraction Level II
  • Vibration Analysis Level II
  • Visual Testing Level II

Here You can Take the Free ASNT LEVEL I, II, and III Practice Test with Latest Questions

LPT Level ILPT Level IILPT Level III
MT Level IMT Level IIMT Level III
RT Level IRT Level IIRT Level III
UT Level IUT Level IIUT Level III

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