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We will help you pass the API 653 Certification Exam on the first attempt. Our expert-written API practice material covers the actual exam topics with fully explained answers.
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API 653 Exam Pattern 2025
Latest computer-based exam pattern for the API 653 Exam.
Exam Structure:
- Total Questions: 170 (presented in random order)
- Duration: 390 minutes
- Format: Two-part exam (closed-book and open-book sections)
- Closed-Book Section: Completed first
- Break: A scheduled 45-minute break follows the closed-book section
- Open-Book Section: Begins after the break, with all code references displayed on-screen
Recommended Study Materials:
- API RP 571: 3rd Edition, March 2020
- API RP 575: 4th Edition, July 2020
- API RP 576: 4th Edition, April 2017
- API RP 577: 3rd Edition, October 2020
- API Standard 650: 13th Edition, March 2020, with Errata 1 (January 2021)
- API RP 651: 4th Edition, September 2014
- API RP 652: 5th Edition, May 2020
- API Standard 653: Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction, 5th Edition, November 2014, with Addendum 1 (April 2018), Addendum 2 (May 2020), and Addendum 3 (November 2023)
- ASME Section V: Non-Destructive Examination, Edition 2023
- ASME Section IX: Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications, Edition 2023
Prepare thoroughly using these references to ensure success on your API 653 exam. Good luck!
API 653 Exam Syllabus Contents with Practice Tests:
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 1: Interpreting API and ASME Codes
- Codes and the real world
- ASME construction codes
- API inspection codes
- Code revisions
- Code illustrations
- New construction versus repair activity
- Conclusion: interpreting API and ASME codes
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 2: An Introduction to API 653: 2009 and its Related Codes
- Section 1: scope
- Section 3: definitions
- API 653 scope and definitions: practice questions
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 3: An Introduction to API RP 575
- Scope
- API 575 sections 1 and 2: scope and references
- API 575 section 3: definitions
- API 575 section 4: types of storage tanks
- API RP 575: practice questions
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 4: Reasons for Inspection: Damage Mechanisms
- The approach to damage mechanisms (DMs)
- API 575 section 5: reasons for inspection
- API 571: Introduction
- The first group of DMs
- API 571 practice questions (set 1)
- The second group of DMs
- API 571 practice questions (set 2)
- The third group of API 571 DMs
- API 571 practice questions (set 3)
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 5: Inspection Practices and Frequency
- API 653 section 6: inspection
- API 653 section 6: view of RBI
- API 575 section 6: inspection frequency and scheduling
- API RP 575: inspection practices
- API 653: inspection intervals: practice questions
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 6: Evaluation of Corroded Tanks
- Introduction
- The contents of API 653 section 4: suitability for service
- Tank roof evaluation
- Shell evaluation
- API 653 (4.4): tank bottom evaluation
- Foundation evaluation: API 653 (4.5)
- Bottom settlement: API 653 Annex B
- API 653 section 4: evaluation: practice questions (set 1)
- API 653 appendix B: tank bottom settlement: practice questions (set 2)
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 7: API 650: Tank Design
- Reminder: the API 653 body of knowledge (BOK)
- API 650: material allowable stresses
- API 650: material toughness requirements
- Tank component arrangement and sizes
- Some tips on exam questions
- Finally: bits and pieces from the API 650 appendices
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 8: Tank Non-destructive Examination
- The ideas behind API 653 section 12:examination and testing
- Weld leak testing
- How much RT does API 650 require?
- How much RT does API 653 require?
- Tank NDE: practice questions
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 9: Tank Repairs and Alterations
- Repairs or alterations?
- Hydrotest requirements
- Repair and alterations – practical requirements
- Repair of shell plates
- Shell penetrations
- Adding an additional bottom through an existing tombstone plate (9.9.4)
- Repair of tank bottoms
- Repair of tank roofs
- Hot tapping: API 653 (9.14)
- Tank repair and alteration – other requirements
- Repair and alterations: practice questions
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 10: Tank Reconstruction
- Code requirements for tank reconstruction
- Reconstruction responsibilities
- API 653 section 10: structure
- Reconstruction (10.4 and 10.5)
- API 653 section 10: dismantling and reconstruction: practice questions
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 11: Hydrostatic Testing and Brittle Fracture
- What is the subject about?
- Why? The objectives of a hydro test
- When is a hydro test required?
- Avoiding brittle fracture
- Is a hydro test needed? API 653 flowchart (Fig. 5-1)
- API 653: hydro testing: practice questions
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 12: Tank Linings: API RP 652
- Introduction
- Linings and their problems, problems, problems
- So where does API 652 fit in?
- European surface preparation standards
- Tank linings: practice questions
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 13: Introduction to Welding/API RP 577
- Module Introduction
- Welding processes
- Welding consumables
- Welding process familiarization questions
- Welding consumables familiarization questions
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 14: Welding Qualifications and ASME IX
- Module Introduction
- Formulating the Qualification Requirements
- Welding documentation reviews: the exam questions
- ASME IX article I
- Section QW-140 types and purposes of tests and examinations
- ASME IX Article II
- ASME IX articles I and II familiarization questions
- ASME IX Article III
- ASME IX Article IV
- ASME IX articles III and IV familiarization questions
- The ASME IX review methodology
- ASME IX WPS/PQR review: worked example
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 15: Cathodic Protection: API RP 651
- Cathodic protection – what’s it all about?
- The content of API 651
- Determination of the need for cathodic protection (API 651 section 5)
- Criteria for cathodic protection (API 651 section 8)
- Operation and maintenance of CP systems (API 651 section 11)
- API 651: cathodic protection: practice questions
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 16: The NDE Requirements of ASME V
- Introduction
- ASME V article 1: general requirements
- ASME V article 2: radiographic examination
- ASME V article 6: penetrant testing (PT)
- ASME V articles 1, 2, and 6: familiarization questions
- ASME V article 7: magnetic testing (MT)
- ASME V article 23: ultrasonic thickness checking
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 14: Welding Qualifications and ASME IX
- Module Introduction
- Formulating the qualification requirements
- Welding documentation reviews: the exam questions
- ASME IX article I
- Section QW-140 types and purposes of tests and examinations
- ASME IX Article II
- ASME IX articles I and II familiarization questions
- ASME IX Article III
- ASME IX Article IV
- ASME IX articles III and IV familiarization questions
- The ASME IX review methodology
- ASME IX WPS/PQR review: worked example
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 15: Cathodic Protection: API RP 651
- Cathodic protection – what’s it all about?
- The content of API 651
- Determination of the need for cathodic protection (API 651 section 5)
- Criteria for cathodic protection (API 651 section 8)
- Operation and maintenance of CP systems (API 651 section 11)
- API 651: cathodic protection: practice questions
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 16: The NDE Requirements of ASME V
- Introduction
- ASME V article 1: general requirements
- ASME V article 2: radiographic examination
- ASME V article 6: penetrant testing (PT)
- ASME V articles 1, 2, and 6: familiarization questions
- ASME V article 7: magnetic testing (MT)
- ASME V article 23: ultrasonic thickness checking
Click Here to Read and Take a Practice Test of API 653 Exam Chapter 17: Thirty Open-book Sample Questions
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