Top 115 Latest API 570 Exam Questions and Answers – ALL QUESTIONS ARE CLOSE BOOK Question
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1. When preparing to inspect a piping system inspection personnel should?
a. Consult with the piping engineer
b. Briefly review the history of individual piping systems before making any of the inspections required by API 570
c. Check that repair materials are available
d. Check that the corrosion engineer has reviewed the inspection plan
2. As regards dead legs in piping circuits, what is recommended to be done by API 570 when ever possible?
a. Dead legs should be monitored on a monthly basis
b. The chief inspector and the unit engineer should designate dead legs to be inspected
c. Dead legs should be monitored on a yearly basis
d. Consideration should be given to removing dead legs that serve no further process purpose
3. When is it necessary to reevaluate the frequency of inspection for an existing piping system?
a. The API 570 authorized inspector suspects a problem
b. The operations group desires an increase in inspection frequency
c. The inspection interval must be reviewed and adjusted as necessary after each inspection or significant change in operating conditions
d. More than one flange has started to leak
4. The selection of TMLs within injection point circuits are established at four basic locations, three of which are:
1. TMLs on appropriate fittings within the injection point circuit
2. TMLs on the pipe wall at the location of expected pipe wall impingement of injected fluid
3. Establish TMLs at both the upstream and downstream limits of the injection point circuit
What is the fourth consideration when selecting TMLs
a. TMLs at intermediate locations along the longer straight piping within the injection point circuit may be required
b. TMLs at extreme locations along the longer straight piping within the injection point circuit may be required
c. TMLs at pipe bends within the longer straight piping in the injection point circuit may be required
d. TMLs at pipe bends within the shorter straight piping in the injection point circuit may be required
5. When the inspector suspects or is advised that specific circuits may be susceptible to environmental cracking, the inspector should schedule supplemental inspections. What types of inspections may this include?
a. Radiography
b. Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle NDE
c. Ultrasonic NDE
d. Radiography, Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle, and/or Ultrasonic examinations.
6. Supplemental inspection for piping systems are sometimes required. Which of the following may be considered supplements to normal inspection techniques?
a. Annual hydrostatic testing
b. Eddy current testing
c. Spool piece removal and visual inspection
d. Periodic use of radiography and/or thermography to check for fouling or internal plugging
7. To what inspection requirements must be applied to small bore class I secondary piping?
a. Class I secondary SBP shall be inspected to the same requirements as secondary process piping
b. Class 1 secondary SBP shall be inspected to the same requirements as primary process piping
c. Class 1 secondary SBP shall be inspected to the same requirements as class 2 process piping
d. Class 1 secondary SBP shall be inspected to the same requirements as class 3 process piping
8. When is API 570 inspection code not permitted to be applied to a piping system?
a. As a substitute for the B31.12 piping Code
b. If in conflict with any union requirements
c. If the piping is in water service
d. As a substitute for the original construction requirements or if in conflict with regulatory requirements
9. Which of the following service fluids will justify rating a piping system Class 2?
a. Hydrofluoric acid
b. Distillate and product lines to and from storage and loading
c. Anhydrous hydrogen chloride
d. Hydrogen, fuel gas, and natural gas
10. Prior to hydrostatic testing of piping systems containing expansion joints it is determined that the expansion joint will be damaged and cannot be isolated. What can be done per API 570?
a. The testing may be canceled
b. Lines containing expansion joints may be tested at a reduced pressure
c. Select portions must be pressure tested
d. The expansion joints must be removed and tested separately
11. Corrosion products have built up around a piping system’s supports, what additional inspection work may be called for?
a. Ultrasonic thickness measurements
b. Hydrostatic blasting of the area
c. Lifting the pipe off of such supports may be required for inspection
d. Radiographic profile inspections
12. Inspection for piping weld quality is normally accomplished as a part of the requirements for new construction, repairs, or alterations. However, welds are often inspected for corrosion as part of a radiographic profile inspection or as part of internal inspection. When preferential weld corrosion is noted what is the appropriate course of action,?
a. Check with the piping engineer
b. Consult with the chief inspector
c. Additional welds in the same circuit or system should be examined for corrosion
d. Review all NDE procedures prior to commencement of the NDE used to inspect the piping
13. After an external visual CUI inspection on a Class 1 system found to have insulation damage, the follow up examinations should include NDE testing and insulation removal of;
a. the entire length of the piping that is insulated
b. all vertical runs of insulated piping
c. a random sampling of straight runs and 50 percent of insulated fittings in the system
d. at least 75 percent of all damaged areas
14. The following can be said about inspection of refractory linings used in piping systems;
a. they should always be removed for the inspection to inspect for corrosion deposits
b. it is usually not necessary to remove them for inspection of the piping system
c. The combined actions of stress and corrosion will cause spalling of the refractory
d. The combined actions of stress and erosion will cause spalling of the refractory
15. What physical sign does not indicate leakage in buried piping?
a. A change in the surface contour of the ground, pool formation, bubbling water puddles, or noticeable odor
b. Discoloration of the soil
c. Softening of paving asphalt
d. Corrosion on the first flange above the ground
16. The inspector shall approve all repair and alteration work at designated hold points and after the repairs and alterations have been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the requirements of;
a. ASME B31.3
b. Section IX of the ASME Code
c. API 570
d. Good engineering practice and ASME B31.3
17. A close-interval potential survey on a cathode protected line may be used to verify that the buried piping
a. Is made of stainless steel
b. Has good insulation from the surrounding earth and a protective potential throughout its length
c. Is presently leaking at a high rate
d. Is corroded beyond repair
18. What are the requirements of materials to be used in the welded repair of a piping system?
a. The API 570 Code has no hard and fast rule as regards material selection
b. The materials used in making repairs or alterations shall be of known weldable quality, shall conform to the applicable code, and shall be compatible with the original material
c. All materials must nondestructively tested prior to use
d. Only materials on an approved list are allowed
19. When performing welding on piping systems constructed to ASME B31.3, what must always be in place prior to welding?
a. A qualified welding procedure in accordance with Section XI of the ASME
b. Detailed requirements for nondestructive testing of the repair
c. Welders to perform the work must have successfully passed the required welding skill tests per Section XI
d. Qualified welding procedures, welders may be tested on production welds in many cases
20. In some instances preheating to 300 °F may be substituted for PWHT after welding P No. 3 materials, for which P No. 3 material is this not allowed?
a. Materials classified as C-Mo
b. Materials classified as Mn-Mo
c. Materials classified as Cr-Mo
d. Materials classified as Ni-Mo-Cr-V
21. A welder makes a performance test using a pipe coupon that has an O. D. of 2.375”. What range of outside diameters is he qualified to weld in production?
a. 2.375 “ to unlimited diameter
b. 2.375”to 24 “
c. 1” to unlimited diameter
d. 2.375” to 6”
22. A welder’s performance test was made in the 3G position. Which of the following describes his test?
a. Horizontal groove weld performed on pipe
b. Vertical fillet weld performed on plate
c. Vertical groove weld in plate
d. Flat groove weld performed on pipe
23. Per B31.3 may consumable inserts be used for backing piping weld grooves?
a. Yes, as long as they are produced by reputable manufacturer
b. No, consumable inserts are not allowed, only backing which remains in place or removed is allowed
c. Yes provided the insert is of same nominal composition as the parent metal
d. Yes, provided the insert is of same nominal composition as the tiller metal
24. When selecting thickness measurement Iocation9 (TML’s) for piping, what should the inspector take into account?
a. The location as regards the ease of access to the TML
b. Location where axial corrosion occurs
c. Patterns of corrosion experienced in other process units in the same or similar service
d. Places where corrosion is most likely to occur circumferentially
25. The maximum frequency interval of external visual inspection for small bore secondary piping that is in a class I piping system is;
a. small bore piping is exempt from inspection
b. the same a Class I primary piping systems
c. set at 10 years
d. set at 5 years
26. An external inspection of a piping systems revealed severe piping movement had taken place. Your first action to correct the situation should be;
a. Consult with the chief inspector
b. Consult with a piping engineer about the need for a piping stress analysis
c. Conduct NDE on areas suspected of the most severe movement
d. Consult with operations as to the cause of the movements
27. Several locally thinned areas have been found during an inspection, which of the following is a true statement concerning the first step in any corrective actions?
a. Weld metal build up should be used for repair
b. The locally thinned areas must be repaired
c. A piping engineer should evaluate the locally thinned areas
d. A corrosion engineer should evaluate the locally thinned areas
28. Prior to a scheduled piping inspection previous inspection records should be reviewed. The reason for the review is so;
a. You can assign to the work to contractors
b. Areas that are not approaching retirement thickness can be determined
c. A list can be made of all unnecessary repairs and replacements
d. A schedule can be made to determine the inspection force requirements, to locate areas reaching retirement thickness, and predict repairs or replacements
29. Defects in protective coatings and the waterproof coating of insulation will permit moisture to come into contact with the piping. To inspect for CUI, sections of insulation should be removed from;
a. Vertical piping runs
b. Small diameter vertical runs
c. Small connections, such as bleed lines and gauge connections
d. Insulation around major valves and fittings
30. Threaded joints are generally limited to piping in non-critical service that has a nominal size of;
a. 2 inches or smaller.
b. 3 inches or smaller
c. 24 inches or smaller
d. 1 inch or smaller
31. As regards markings on fittings used in piping systems, what must always be present?
a. Temperature markings
b. Manufacturer’s name or trademark
c. Alloy designations
d. Dimensions of bolt circles and gasket size
32. For flanged fittings the manufacturer shall hold the hydrostatic shell test for ______ minutes on a NPS 8 inch flange.
a. 8
b. 2
c. 1
d. 3
33. Deviations from specifications or standards for materials tolerances, or workmanship are usually evaluated on the basis of;
a. their effects on such factors as safety, strength, corrosion resistance, and serviceability. jurisdictional requirements
b. economic impact
c. ease of construction
34. At what location should all underground piping be inspected?
a. Lines should be inspected at and just above the point where they enter the earth or a concrete
b. slab
c. Lines should be inspected for 10’ below the point where they enter the earth or a concrete slab
d. Lines should be inspected at and just below the point where they enter the earth or a concrete e. slab
35. When establishing the minimum thickness of a valve body, the proper calculation would be;
a. 1.5 times (1.25 times for Class 2500) the thickness of a simple cylinder designed for a stress of 6000 pounds per square inch
b. 1.5 times (1.35 times for Class 4500) the thickness of a simple cylinder designed for a stress of 7000 pounds per square inch
c. 1.5 times (1.35 times for Class 4500) the thickness of a simple cylinder designed for a stress of 8000 pounds per square inch
d. 1.5 times (1.25 times for Class 4500) the thickness of a simple cylinder designed for a stress of 6000 pounds per square inch
36. When determining the frequency of inspection for piping in general which of the following must be considered?
a. The years of service
b. The operating temperature if it is below freezing
c. The lack of inspection tools
d. The degree of risk, and remaining corrosion allowance
37. If piping is to be butt welded and is to be in severe cyclic service the following type of welding procedure must be used;
a. A welding procedure which provides a smooth, regular, fully penetrated inner surface
b. A welding procedure which employs heat treatment
c. A welding procedure which will allow a fully penetrated inner surface
d. A welding procedure qualified per ANSIIASME 1316.34
38. When preheating to make a B31.3 weld, prior to welding what is the minimum distance from the weld that pre-heat shall be applied?
a. The preheat zone shall extend at least 50 mm (2 in.) beyond each edge of the weld
b. The preheat zone shall extend at least 25 mm (I in.) beyond each edge of the weld
c. The preheat zone shall extend at least 12.5 mm (1/2 in.) beyond each edge of the weld
d. The preheat zone shall extend at least 22.5 mm (3/4 in.) beyond each edge of the weld
39. Preheating prior to welding may be omitted if;
a. The piping is made of plain carbon steel
b. Environmental cracking is not a concern
c. Approved by the piping engineer
d. Approved by the API 570 AI
40. When is it permissible to substitute pneumatic testing for hydrostatic testing for a new piping system?
a. When the owner considers a hydrostatic test impracticable
b. When the piping system is more than 20% vertical, or has internal linings
c. When the piping system has internal lining
d. When the weight of the fluid would deform the piping system or when the piping system would be contaminated by the testing fluid and could not be cleaned
41. What shall new and replacement piping components comply with?
a. B31.3
b. API 570
c. New connections and replacements shall be designed and fabricated according to the principles of the applicable code
d. API RP 574
42. What are the requirements for inspection of piping joints during leak testing.
a. Joints must be hydrostatically blasted prior to the testing,
b. All joints, including welds and bonds are to be left uninsulated and exposed for examination during leak testing
c. Joints should be re-tightened at half of the test pressure
d. None, the inspector will use his best judgment on a case by case basis
43. Which of the following describes a globe valve?
a. Consists of a tapered or cylindrical plug fitted snugly into a correspondingly shaped seat in the valve body
b. This type of valve is normally used in a fully open or fully closed position
c. Consists of a valve body that contains a disk which moves axially to the disk centerline against a seat
d. They are well suited for conditions that require quick on off or bubble tight service
44. Which of the following describes a check valve’s principle of operation?
a. Hydraulic up-lift
b. Ball retained captive
c. Spring-loaded vanilla wafer Swing or liftpiston
45. An example of where creep cracking has been experienced in the industry is in;
a. 2¼ Cr steels above 800°F
b. 1¼ Cr steels above 900°F
c. 2¼ Cr steels above 900°F
d. Chrome Vanadium steels above 1000°F
46. What condition always requires reporting to the owner of a piping system?
a. Any significant increase in corrosion rates
b. Piping which is in need of painting
c. Piping which has minor external corrosion
d. Piping which has received insulation damage
47. What may be described as the most effective way of preventing failure in piping which has a hot spot.
a. Ensure that all welds are made to the applicable Code
b. Ensure that the amount of bulging does not exceed the amount of creep permitted for the material
c. Apply thermographs immediately after discovery in order to take corrective steps if needed
d. Continually hammer the bulge back into place during down times
48. If misalignment of piping was noted during operation. the cause should be determined and corrected. Misalignment is usually caused by the following condition(s);
a. Adequate provision for expansion
b. Delaminated anchors or guides
c. Properly adjusted hangers of the wrong diameter
d. Inadequate provision for expansion, broken hangers, and defective anchors
49. When a flange is manufactured in accordance with B 16.5 the manufacturer is not required to;
a. hydrostatically test the flange
b. mark the flange with his trademark
c. mark the flange with its rating class
d. mark the flange with the designation B16
50. A large number of piping failures occur at pipe to pipe welded branch joints, following describes these failures?
a. Higher-than-normal stress caused by valve weights, vibration, and thermal loading
b. Stress risers generated by the fabrication of the fittings used
c. Locked up stresses due to the welding process used
d. Defective workmanship
51. Which of following best describes a Class 1 piping system?
a. Services that are flammable but do not significantly vaporize when they leak and are not located in high-activity areas
b. This classification includes the majority of unit process piping and selected off-site piping
c. Services with the highest potential of resulting in an immediate emergency if a leak were to occur
d. Hydrogen, fuel gas, and natural gas service piping
52. Which of the following is an not an example of environmental cracking?
a. Chloride SCC of austenitic stainless steels
b. Polythionic acid SCC of sensitized austenitic alloy steels
c. Carbonate SCC
d. Low Temperature SCC
53. Which of the following does not describe a common type of flange used in piping?
a. Welding neck
b. Slip-on
c. Lap joint
d. Threaded socket
54. The recommended practice API 574 covers the inspection of;
a. piping only
b. tubing and piping
c. control valves
d. piping, tubing, valves and fittings
55. How often shall Ultra Sonic equipment be checked for calibration?
a. At the end of each examination
b. When examination personnel return the next day
c. At the manufacturer
d. At the beginning of each examination and any time malfunctioning equipment is noted.
56. Direct visual inspection may usually be made when access is sufficient to place the eye within;
a. 12 inches of the surface to be examined
b. 10 to 12 inches of the surface to be examined
c. 6 to 24 inches of the surface to be examined
d. 24 inches of the surface to be examined.
57. When performing magnetic particle examinations using an enhancement coating what must be demonstrated?
a. 15 minutes have passed before the final examination takes place
b. 30 minutes have passed before the final examination takes place
c. indications can be detected through the coating
d. 10 minutes have passed before the final examination takes place
58. The following is true about the content of a welding Procedure Qualification Record?
a. The record must use the form provided in QW-483 of Section IX
b. The record must include nonessential variables
c. The record may include nonessential variables
d. The record must include diameters of electrodes used
59. P numbers 1 and 3 are welded together for a procedure qualification; this combination will not allow the writing of a WPS or WPS s to be used to weld the following parent metals in production;
a. P No. 1 to P No. 3
b. P No. 1 to P No. 1 and P No. 3
c. P No. 3 to P No. 3
d. P No. 1 to P No, 1
60. Before any method of inspection is adopted for piping what should be checked?
b. ASME B31.3
c. API 570
d. Regulatory requirements
61. Who must be consulted when alterations to a piping system are being considered?
a. A metallurgist
b. A piping engineer
c. A professional engineer
d. An API 570 piping inspector
62. What type of on-stream welded repairs is not permitted by API 570?
a. Longitudinal crack repairs if not expected to propagate
b. Full encirclement welded split sleeve or boxtype enclosure
c. Pitting or pinholes
d. Square fillet welded patches without rounded corners
63. Under which condition below can unlisted materials be used to construct piping systems?
a. They have been approved by the federal government
b. They are clearly marked by the manufacturer during production
c. They conform to any European standard
d. They conform to published specifications and otherwise meet the requirements of B31.3
64. When impact testing is required for a piping system constructed to B31.3 how many specimens are normally required in a set?
a. 3 sets of 3
b. 3
c. 6
d. 9
65. What rights does the Owners inspector not have during fabrication of a piping system?
a. They shall have access to any place where work concerned with the piping installation is being performed
b. They shall have the right to audit any examinations
c. The right to review all certifications and records necessary to satisfy the owner’s responsibility
d. The right to demand the social security number of all craftsmen
66. In accordance with ASME B31.3 when spot radiography is to be used what is the least recommended number of spot radiographs for circumferential butt welds?
a. One weld in 20 made by each welder or welding operator
b. One weld in 10 made by each welder or welding operator
c. Every 50 linear foot of weld metal
d. Every third weld made by each welder or welding operator
67. ASME B31.3 requires that nondestructive examination personnel be trained and experienced. What practice is acceptable to B 31.3 for this purpose?
a. Any recognized training entity
b. The employers quality manual
d. Demonstration by application of the technique to be used
68. Threaded joints are suitable for Normal Fluid Service per B31.3, what below is not Normal Fluid Service?
a. A fluid service not subject to Category D, M or High Pressure services or subject to severe cyclic conditions
b. A fluid service not subject to High Pressure services and subject to severe cyclic conditions
c. A fluid service not subject to Category D, M or subject to severe cyclic conditions
d. A fluid service containing a gas or liquid that is immediately dangerous to life or health
69. Low yield strength bolting is permitted for use with metallic flange combinations when;
a. all bolts are rated to a recognized standard
b. one sample from a lot of bolts is tensile tested and shown to be fit for the intended service
c. calculations have been done to show adequate strength to maintain joint tightness
d. The flanges are of a class that requires a gasket with high torque requirements
70. The classification and use of the Initial Service Leak Test it applies to;
a. Category M Fluid
b. Class 1 piping
c. Category D Fluid
d. Class 3 piping
71. In general how is the extent of inspection for new piping construction determined?
a. All piping welds shall be 100% inspected
b. The extent of inspection during fabrication and installation depends largely on the severity of the service and the quality of the workmanship
c. All piping welds shall be randomly inspected
d. All piping is inspected based on the type of weld made during the fabrication in the field
72. The frequency and thoroughness of piping inspections will range from often and complete where deterioration is extreme, to seldom and cursory in non-corrosive services, which of the following would not cause a more frequent inspection cycle.
a. The amount of corrosion allowance remaining
b. The historical data available
c. Regulatory requirements
d. A survey by the EPA
73. One of the major concerns when designing pressure relief discharge piping is not;
a. a design which will facilitate drainage
b. that the design will account for reaction moments generated upon the valve’s opening
c. that the piping be of the same or similar material as the valve
d. the manufacturer of a certain type of valve
74. Which of the following best describes the scope of API 570?
a. API 570 covers inspection, repair, alteration, and retaking procedures for piping systems that have been in-service
b. API 570 covers inspection, repair, alteration, and rerating procedures for metallic piping systems that have been in-service
c. API 570 covers inspection, repair, alteration, and rerating procedures for metallic piping systems that have not been in-service
d. API 570 covers inspection, repair, alteration, and rerating procedures for piping systems that have been in-service for less than 10 years
75. The following is not a true statement about the scope of API 570?
a. It is not restricted to use with metallic piping only
b. Systems handling water such as for fire protection are not optional
c. Non metallic piping cannot be included in the inspection scope of API 570
d. Only metal piping may be inspected by the rules of the API 570 Code
76. Steel and alloy piping are manufactured to standard dimensions in nominal pipe sizes up to;
a. 24 inches
b. 48 inches
c. 52 inches
d. 36 inches
77. Concerning radiography of the following which is not an advantage?
a. Pipe insulation can remain intact
b. The metal temperature of the line has little bearing on the quality of the radiograph
c. Radiographic equipment is easily maneuverable in the refinery
d. It is excellent at finding flaws in plastic piping welds
78. Underground piping is usually given AboveGrade Visual Surveillance by;
a. a series of measurements of the electrical resistance of the surrounding soil
b. excavating and uncovering the piping for several feet at practical intervals
c. isolating and draining and using internal radiographic techniques
d. an inspection at and just below the point where it enters the earth, asphalt, or concrete
79. A flanged joint is composed of three separate and independent, although inter-related components: the flanges, the gasket, and the bolting, which are affected by yet another influence. What is this influence?
a. Service requirements
b. Flange materials
c. The Assembler
d. The selected torque for bolting
80. A 4 inch to 2 inch reducing tee is designed to reduce on its outlet. When designating the dimensions for the tee fitting it is described as a
a. 4x4x2 .
b. 4x2x4
c. 2x4x4
d. 2x2x4
81. The following Charpy impact results where obtained on a piping material with a required minimum average of 13 ft-lbf, and a minimum value for a single specimen is 10 ft-lbf. The results were 16, 17, and 12 ft-lbf. Which is a true statement about the test results?
a. There is almost a complete lack of ductility
b. The results pass the acceptance criteria of B31.3
c. The results do not pass the acceptance criteria of B31.3
d. They may be disregarded and may be retested as many times as desired by person requesting the tests
82. What is safeguarding a piping system?
a. A provision for extra protective measures
b. Use of redundant overpressure devices
c. Using specially designed relief valves in a piping system
d. Placing a watch to insure no one crosses the barricade during repairs
83. Threaded joints can be used where;
a. severe erosion is expected
b. crevice corrosion is a concern
c. severe corrosion is not expected
d. vibrations are possible
84. Part of the definition of Cold Spring as used with piping is;
a. the intentional deformation of piping to produce a desired effect
b. the unintentional deformation of piping
c. the deliberate deformation of piping as a result of operating conditions
d. the unintentional deformation of piping induced low temperatures
85. For calculating the MAWP of system in service made of an unknown material the following approach must be taken;
a. for unknown materials the value of stress allowable for calculations shall be 55,000 psi and the lowest joint efficiency in the applicable code will be used
b. computations may be made assuming the lowest grade material and joint efficiency in the applicable code.
c. a or b above
d. computations may be made assuming the most common grade of material and joint efficiency in the applicable code
86. Dry and wet particles used in the magnetic particle examination method shall be in accordance with;
a. SE-709
b. ANST SE-708
c. the API 570 Code
d. the ASME B31.3 Code
87. The definition of sensitivity as applied to radiography is:
a. The tendency of the film used to be exposed if packaging is opened in other than a darkroom
b. The smallest discernible detail and/or contrast change in a radiographic image.
c. The ability of an image acquisition system to capture density differences
d. The attitude of the radiographer about his work
88. A liquid penetrant comparator block used to prove a high temperature technique is best described as;
a. an aluminum block 318” x 2” x 3”
b. a carbon steel block 318” x 2” x 3”
c. a titanium block 318” x 3” x 3”
d. a brass block 318” x 2” x 3”
89. The following is a true statement about the removal of backing material in regards to a welder’s performance qualifications using a particular process for which he has been qualified with backing.
a. The welder will not require re-qualification to weld without backing in production
b. The welder will require re-qualification to weld without backing in production
c. The welder will not need to be re-qualified if he can weld with any process with out backing material
d. No such rule exists in Section IX
90. A welding operator is to be qualified by radiography using his first production weld, what is the minimum length of the radiograph to be performed on his weld?
a. 6 inches
b. 6 feet
c. 36 inches
d. 12 inches
91. A welder makes performance test on pipe in the 1G position, how many bend tests are required to qualify his performance?
a. 4
b. 2
c. 1
d. 6
92. The 6G position listed in Section IX of the ASME Code can be described as;
a. 45 deg
b. 45 deg. + or – 10 deg
c. 45 deg. + or – 15 deg
d. From 40 to 50 deg
93. An alternative or supplement to inspection of underground piping is leak testing with liquid at a pressure at least;
a. 50 percent greater than maximum operating pressure
b. 10 percent greater than maximum operating pressure
c. 10 percent below maximum operating pressure
d. 25 percent greater than maximum operating pressure
94. Underground piping inspected periodically by excavation shall be inspected in lengths of;
a. 6 feet at one or more locations judged to be most susceptible to corrosion
b. 8 feet to 10 feet at one or more locations judged to be most susceptible to corrosion
c. 4 feet to 8 feet at one or more locations judged to be most susceptible to corrosion
d. 6 feet to 8 feet at one or more locations judged to be most susceptible to corrosion
95. Who shall establish thickness reading inspection frequencies on in service piping systems?
a. The owner-user shall establish inspection intervals for thickness measurements
b. The inspector shall establish inspection intervals for thickness measurements
c. The owner-user or the inspector shall establish, inspection intervals for thickness measurements
d. Only a piping engineer
96. Acceptance of a welded repair or alteration shall include; 1, agreement by the NBIC inspector.
a. NDE of the welds
b. agreement by the operations department
c. a hydrostatic test in all instances where welding has been performed
97. Rerating piping systems is defined as;
a. changing the temperature rating
b. changing the MAWP
c. changing the temperature rating or the MAWP
d. re-painting the pipe with the correct pressure and temperature
98. For coating repairs to underground piping, the inspector should be assured that the coating meets the following criteria;
a. It has sufficient adhesion to the piping
b. It is sufficiently ductile to resist cracking
c. It is free of voids and gaps in the coating (holidays)
d. It is free of voids and gaps in the coating (holidays), it is sufficiently ductile to resist cracking, and it has sufficient adhesion to the piping
99. What should a piping inspection record not necessarily contain?
a. Specifications and strength levels of the materials used
b. Original thickness measurements
c. Original date of installation
d. The name of all welders who fabricated the piping
100. The recommended downstream limit of an injection point circuit is?
a. the second change in flow direction past the injection point, or 25 feet beyond the first change in flow direction, whichever is greater
b. the second change in flow direction past the injection point, or 25 feet beyond the first change in flow direction, whichever is less.
c. the second change in flow direction past the injection point, or 25 feet beyond the second change in flow direction, whichever is less
d. the second change in flow direction past the injection point, or 25 feet beyond the first change in flow direction
101. The most common form(s) of CUI are;
a. localized corrosion of carbon steel
b. localized corrosion of carbon steel and intergranular corrosion of austenitic stainless steels
c. stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steels
d. localized corrosion of carbon steel and chloride stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steels
102. Soil-to-air (SIA) interfaces for buried piping without adequate cathodic protection shall be included in scheduled external piping inspections. What shall these inspections not necessarily include?
a. Inspection for coating damage
b. All bare pipe
c. Pit depth measurements
d. The complete confirmation that the drawings correctly reflect the present piping system
103. ASME B16.5 covers flanges of various materials through a nominal pipe size of 24 inch which of the following covers larger flanges?
a. API Standard 605 and MSS SP-44
b. API Standard 605
c. MSS SP-44
d. ASME 1316.47
104. Flanged joints that have been opened should be visually inspected for;
a. Overheating
b. Any enlargement of bolting holes
c. Caustic attack
d. Corrosion and defects such as scratches, cuts, and gouges in gasket seating faces
105. Gate valves should be measured for thickness between the;
a. inlet and outlet connections
b. the seats
c. the stem area and the bonnet
d. the bonnet and packing gland area
106. Which of the following is a true statement about the sensitive leak test method of ASME B31.3?
a. The test shall be in accordance with the Gas and Bubble Test method specified in theBPV Code, Section V, Article 10, or by another method demonstrated to have equal sensitivity
b. The test shall be in accordance with the Helium Test method specified in the BPV Code, Section V, Article 10
c. The test shall be in accordance with the pressure decay method specified hi the BPV Code, Section V, Article 10, or by another method demonstrated to have equal sensitivity
d. All of the above
107. Unless otherwise specified by the engineering design, the following records shall be retained after the record is generated for a piping project:Examination procedures; and examination personnel qualifications. For how long must they be retained after the project is completed?
a. 10 years
b. 5 years
c. 6 months
d. 1 year
108. In accordance with ASME B31,3 it is permitted to increase the joint Ea for some types of piping by the use of additional examination of the piping beyond the specification for the piping. Which of the following is not permitted to have and increase in EJ?
a. Furnace butt welded, continuous weld
b. Electric fusion welded
c. API 5L made by combined GMAW and SAW welding
d. Seamless piping
109. In the liquid penetrant process drying after preparation should;
a. not be a concern because it dries very quickly
b. is a concern because it dries very slowly
c. be followed by flame drying when practical
d. be allowed adequate time for evaporation prior to application if the penetrant
110. Welding procedures qualified by the welding of groove weld coupon shall not be suitable for repairs to;
a. fillet welds
b. groove welds
c. weld metal buildup
d. stud welds
111. Socket welded and threaded connections are not recommended for service above 500 or below -50°F;
a. if severe thermal gradients or thermal cycling are involved
b. if welded using the SMAW process with other than low hydrogen electrodes
c. if welded using the GMAW process due to a possible lack of fusion in the socket
d. if welded without the use of preheating
112. When is protective equipment required for inspection personnel?
a. At all times during inspections involving piping that has had a toxic substance contained with in it
b. Protective equipment shall be worn when required by regulations or by the owner-user
c. When deemed necessary by the inspector
d. When ever the safety man insists even if he is mistaken
113. The extent of a CUI inspection program may vary depending on;
a. Local climate
b. Condition of the insulating system
c. Type of insulating used
d. Jurisdictional requirements
114. Internal visual inspections on piping are;
a. not normally performed
b. an important element of a comprehensive piping inspection program
c. pointless
d. required in every instance possible
115. Supplemental inspections may be used on piping systems, the following is an/are example(s) of such inspections used when the system is suspect for environmental cracking.
a. Brinnel hardness s
b. Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle
c. Radiography
d. High magnification barrier testing