Take A Free ASME B31.3 Exam Practice Test – Quiz Course

Here You Can Take A Free ASME B 31.3 Exam Practice Test – CLOSED BOOK Latest Process Piping Questions and Answers


What is the only category fluid service that may be subject to an initial in-service leak test?



What method of in-process examination is used unless additional methods are specified in the engineering design?



Which of the following examinations is NOT considered an in-process examination?



The extent of radiography when considering longitudinal welds, the minimum requirement is inches of weld length



VT, MT, PT, UT, and RT shall be performed as specified in the :



For normal fluid service, how much of the piping welds (circumferential and miter groove welds 



Prior to initial operation, each piping installation, including components and workmanship shall be examined in accordance with ASME B31.3, paragraph 341. When should examination of P-Numbers 3,4 and 5 materials be carried out?



According to ASME B31.3, how much experience in the design, fabrication, or inspection of industrial pressure piping must a Piping inspector have?



Who is responsible for verifying that all required examinations and testing have been completed and to inspect the piping to the extent necessary to be satisfied that it conforms to all applicable examination requirements of the ASME B31.3 Code and of the engineering design?



According to B31.3 inspection applies to functions performed:



When an entire piping assembly to be heat treated cannot be fitted into the furnace, it is permissible to heat treat in more than one heat, provided there is at least ________ overlap between successive heats, and that parts of the assembly outside the furnace are protected from harmful temperature gradients



What is acceptable as alternate heat treatment for B31.3 piping?



A weld defect to be repaired shall be removed :



When fitting up a socket weld joint, the made end is welded in the female socket with :



The intentional deformation of piping during assembly to produce a desired initial displacement and stress is known as :



An inspector is checking threaded joints prior to seal welding them. What is an important item to check?



Threaded joints should be avoided in any service where:



What type of joint should not be used under severe cyclic conditions?



Where a metallic flange is bolted to a non-metallic flange.



Where flanges of different ratings are bolted together :



What type weld is considered to furnish no strength and is only used to prevent leakage of threaded joints?



Which of the listed items is NOT a location where fillet welds are permissible?



Socket welds larger than NPS ____________ shall not be used under severe cyclic conditions.



Socket welded joints should be avoided in any service where _______ or _______ occur.



What type of backing rings shall not be used under severe cyclic conditions?



Tapped holes for pressure-retaining bolting in metallic piping components shall be of sufficient depth that the thread engagement will be at least _______ times the nominal thread diameter



Bolting having not more than ___________ ksi specified minimum yield strength shall not be used for flanged joints rated ASME B16.5 Class 400 and higher



Severe cyclic conditions require the use of :



The use of slip-on flanges should be ___________ where many large temperature cycles are expected particularly if the flanges are not insulated



When the service is erosive, if there is crevice corrosion present, or if cyclic loadings occur, slip-on flanges shall :



In the question tm = 5 + c, pick the correct definition of the value “t”.



If a requirement is specified in the engineer design, but is not a code requirement, ASME B31.3 states that the requirement ____________________



The requirements of the latest edition of ASME Code Section B 31.3 and any subsequent Addenda :



Clauses in the B 31 code are not necessarily numbered consecutively. Such discontinuities result from :



Who has the responsibility of determining which Code Section is applicable to piping installations, i.e. B 31.1, B31.3, etc?



Who has the overall responsibility for compliance with ASME B31.3?



The intent of ASME B 31.3 is to set forth engineering requirements deemed necessary for __________ and _____________of piping installations.



ASME Code is not intended to apply to piping :



Compatibility of materials with the service and hazards from the instability of contained fluids :



ASME B31.3 applies to pipe for all fluids except for which of the below?



A pre-placed filter metal that is completely fused into the roof of a welded joint and becomes part of the weld is called :



Define “face of weld “



fluid service that is non-flammable, non-toxic, and not damaging to human tissue and its gauge pressure does not exceed 150 psi and the design temperature is from –20 degrees through 366 degrees F is known as a category ________ fluid.



A fluid service in which the potential for personnel exposure is judged to be significant and in which a single exposure to a very small quantity of toxic fluid, caused by leakage, can produce serious irreversible harm to persons on breathing or bodily contact, even when prompt restorative measures are taken is known as a category _________ fluid.



A fillet weld whose size is equal to the thickness of the thinner member joined is called:



14. The heating of metal to and holding at a suitable temperature and then cooling at a suitable rate for such purposes as; reducing hardness, improving machinability, facilitating cold working, producing a desired microstructure, or obtaining desired mechanical, physical, or other properties is known as :



The piping joint that for the purpose of mechanical strength or leak resistance, or both, in which the mechanical strength is developed by threaded, grooved, rolled, flared, or flanged pipe ends; or by bolts, pins, toggles, or rings; and the leak resistance is developed by threads and compounds, gaskets, rolled ends, caulking, or machined and mated surfaces is known as a :



The term NPS 6 refers to :



A pipe produced by piercing a billet followed by rolling or drawing, or both is a :



A weld intended primarily to provide joint tightness against leakage in metallic piping is known as a:



What is a “root opening”?



A weld made to hold parts of weldment in proper alignment until the final welds are made is known as a:



The junction between the face of a weld and the base metal is known as :



The pressure in a piping system that is the pressure at the most severe condition of coincident internal or external pressure and temperature ( minimum or maximum ) expected during service ( except for allowances for occasional variations of pressure or temperature, or both, above operating levels which are characteristics of certain services ) is known as :



Piping not protected by a pressure-relieving device, or that can be isolated from a pressure-relieving device, shall be designed for at least the :



What might happen to a piping system that has a gas or vapour in it ( like steam ) and it is allowed to cool significantly?



What happens to a piping system with fluids in it and the fluids are heated with the system blocked?



_____________ caused by external or internal conditions ( including changes in flow rate, hydraulic shock, liquid or solid slugging, flashing, and geysering ) shall be taken into account in the design of piping



Loads on a piping system that include the weight of the medium transported or the medium used for test and snow loads or ice loads are examples of ________ loads.



What can be caused by low operating temperatures, including the chilling effect of a sudden loss of pressure on highly volatile fluids, or in alloy piping the failure to properly post-weld heat treat after welding?



Fillet welds may vary from convex to concave. The size of a fillet weld is based on the theoretical throat, which is _______________ x the length.



In spot radiography of circumferential butt welds, it is recommended that not less than one shot for each ____________ welds for each welder/operator be completed.


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ASME B31.3 Exam Pattern – Everything You Need to Know

The ASME B31.3 Process Piping Exam typically consists of 40-50 multiple-choice questions covering key aspects of the process piping code, including design, materials, fabrication, inspection, and testing. The exact number of questions may vary depending on the exam provider.

Key Features of the ASME B31.3 Exam

Application-Based Questions

  • The exam focuses on real-world applications of the ASME B31.3 code.
  • You will need to demonstrate how to apply the code in various process piping scenarios.

Multiple-Choice Format

  • Most questions are multiple-choice, requiring you to select the correct answer from a set of options.

Code Knowledge Required

  • A strong understanding of the ASME B31.3 code is essential.
  • Topics include design calculations, material selection, welding requirements, and inspection procedures.

Topics Covered in the ASME B31.3 Exam

  1. Design: Stress calculations, pressure ratings, and pipe support requirements.
  2. Inspection: Visual inspections, non-destructive testing (NDT), and acceptance criteria.
  3. Testing: Hydrostatic and pneumatic testing, test pressures, and safety considerations.
  4. Quality Requirements: Welding procedures, material specifications, and workmanship standards.
  5. Responsibilities: Roles of inspectors, engineers, and fabricators in ensuring compliance with the code.

Exam Preparation Tips

  • Familiarize yourself with the latest ASME B31.3 codebook.
  • Practice sample questions to improve your understanding.
  • Focus on code interpretation rather than memorization.
  • Understand how to apply the code to practical scenarios.

Pro Tip: Many questions will test your ability to identify the correct section of the code to use in a given situation.

Top 32 Latest ASME B16.5 Practice Questions and Answers (Closed and Open Book)

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