Top 11 Highest-Paying Welding Jobs with Average Salaries

What are the most Highest-Paying Welding jobs with Salary?

Top 11 Highest-Paying Welding Jobs with Average Salaries
Top 11 Highest-Paying Welding Jobs with Average Salaries

Here you can see the list of the highest-paying welding jobs with average salaries:

  1. Certified Welding Supervisor Job
  2. Certified Welding Inspector Job
  3. Welding Engineer Job
  4. Pipe Welder Job
  5. Rig Welder Job
  6. Aerospace Welder Job
  7. Underwater Welder Job
  8. Nuclear Welder Job
  9. Industrial Pipeline Welder Job
  10. Military Support Welders Job
  11. Combo Welder Job

How much does a Certified Welding Supervisor make?

The Certified Welding Supervisor’s salary in the United States ranges between $1.0 Lakhs to $ 2.5 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 3.2 Lakhs. Location impacts how much a Certified Welding Supervisor can expect to make.

How much does a Certified Welding Inspector make?

The Certified Welding Inspector salary in the United States ranges between $2.0 Lakhs to $ 20.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of $ 10.2 Lakhs. Location impacts how much a Certified Welding Inspector can expect to make.

How much does a Welding Engineer make?

The Welding Engineer salary in the United States ranges between $ 1.5 Lakhs to $ 18.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of $4.3 Lakhs. Location impacts how much a Welding Engineer can expect to make.

How much does a Pipe Welder make?

The Pipe Welder’s salary in the United States ranges between $46,364 to $50,364 with an average annual salary of $63,000. Location impacts how much a pipe welder can expect to make.

How much does a Rig Welder make?

The Rig Welder’s salary in the United States ranges between $102,000 to $135,500 with an average annual salary of $138,500. Location impacts how much a Rig Welder can expect to make.

How much does an Aerospace Welder make?

The Aerospace Welder’s salary in the United States ranges between $35,000 to $45,500 with an average annual salary of $50,794 Location impacts how much an Aerospace Welder can expect to make.

How much does an Underwater Welder make?

The Underwater Welder’s salary in the United States ranges between $55,000 to $65,500 with an average annual salary of $80,900 Location impacts how much an Underwater Welder can expect to make.

How much does a Nuclear Welder make?

The Nuclear Welder’s salary in the United States ranges between $35,000 to $45,500 with an average annual salary of $55,900 Location impacts how much a Nuclear Welder can expect to make.

How much does an Industrial Pipeline Welder make?

The Industrial Pipeline Welder’s salary in the United States ranges between $45,000 to $55,500 with an average annual salary of $65,900 Location impacts how much an Industrial Pipeline Welder can expect to make.

How much does a Military Support Welder make?

The Military Support Welder’s salary in the United States ranges between $48,000 to $56,500 with an average annual salary of $67,900 Location impacts how much a Military Support Welders can expect to make.

How much does a Combo Welder make?

The Combo Welder salary in the United States ranges between $46,000 to $55,500 with an average annual salary of $68,900 Location impacts how much a Combo Welder can expect to make.

Here you can see the Top 5 highest paying welding jobs Welding Web Stories

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