Take A Free ASNT NDT Bubble Leak Testing Level 3 Exam Practice Test – Quiz Course

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When very large leaks go undetected during a vacuum box bubble leak test, it is usually because the operator is:



Because of inadequate clearance inside a shallow plastic vacuum box, the gage must be mounted externally. Which one of the following standard off-the-shelf gages would be the one to use on this vacuum box?



Under normal shop or field conditions at a differential pressure of one atmosphere (101 kPa or 14.7 psig), a bubble leak test enables the detection of leakage at least as small as:



When pressurizing for a bubble leak test, which of the following gases must never be used as the pressurizing medium?



Which of the factors listed below can affect the results of a bubble leak test?



When writing a bubble leak testing procedure for the reinforcing pad plates with one weep hole, one simple way to ensure that the pad plate welds are really pressurized is to stipulate in the procedure that a:



Which one of the following tests should always be performed and repairs made before conducting a bubble leak test?



From a safety standpoint, which one of the following would best full fill the design and material criteria for an aluminum vacuum box with a glass window? Design for:



Which of the following is the primary reason why the one gasket cross section shown in question 7 is less desirable than the others?



The basic difference between a 35 kPa (5 psig) vacuum box bubble leak test and a bubble leak test of a vessel pressurized to 35 kPa (5 psig) is the:



Which of the following would directly affect the performance of a leak detector solution for any technique of bubble leak testing?



In which one of the following types of metal would a vacuum box bubble leak test be most likely to show bubbles on the weld surface as a result of false or spurious leakage from surface folds or internal porosity open to the surface?



In addition to bubble leak testing, what other non-destructive testing method, with or without a pressure differential, is most effective in the detection of leaks through a pressure boundary?



Which one of the following would be the easiest and most economical technique for bubble leak testing the pipe-to-shell weld of a small diameter flanged nozzle that has no reinforcing pad plate and is flush with the inside of the shell?



A wide selection of gasket cross sections is available for use on vacuum boxes. Of the typical gasket cross sections shown below, one is less desirable than the others for use on vacuum boxes. Select the gasket that is the least desirable.



During a hydrostatic test of a vessel, water is detected running from the weep hole of a nozzle reinforcing pad plate. At the time of the initial test of this reinforcing pad plate, no leakage was detected when the outside reinforcing plate to pipe and shell welds and the inside pipe to shell weld were leak tested. Assuming there was pressure behind the pad plate during the initial test, the source of the leakage is most likely caused by:



A thin wall stainless butt welded tank built on a sloping concrete foundation is successfully tested and accepted by a customer. After being in service for a few weeks, every minute droplet of the product are detected coming from under the bottom. After removing the product, a thorough 55 kPa (8 psi) vacuum box retest of the tank bottom reveals no detectable leakage. Which of the following would you recommend as the best immediate course of action to locate the leakage?



During the final pressure bubble leak test of an externally stiffened thin wall low pressure (14 kPa or 2 psig) vessel, bubbles are found streaming from one of the continuous stiffeners to shell fillet welds. A possible cause could be:



During the final pressure bubble leak test of a heavy wall vessel, test personnel repeatedly observe the formation of small areas of white foam on shell butt welds that were already radiographed, vacuum box bubble leak tested and then painted. What they are observing is most probably caused by:



A customer’s specification requires that every 2 h during the vacuum box bubble leak testing, the bubble formation properties of the leak detector solution must be verified with a test leak. Which of the following is a method that would solve this requirement?



The customer test specification outlines requirements for vacuum box bubble leak testing liner plate welds. Because there is no additional gain to justify the additional cost, an exception should be taken to which of the following vacuum box bubble testing requirements?



When preparing a procedure for a 345 kPa (50 psig) pressure bubble leak test to be performed in accordance with the minimum good practice required for any pneumatic pressure test, which of the following would best full  fill the pressure gauge requirements for testing this system?



Which of the following is a minimum good practice requirement for a bubble leak test procedure?



Which of the following is a minimum good practice requirement on the part of the operator while performing a bubble leak test?



Which of the following should be included in bubble leak test procedures written for the best possible “good practice” operation?



Vacuum box bubble leak test procedures should include which of the items listed below?



To write a best practice bubble leak test specification within the realm of economical operation and compliance with most codes, which of the following parameters should be included?



Which of the components listed are essential for a vacuum box for bubble leak testing?



Which of the items listed below are requirements that should be included in a bubble leak test specification?



Which of the below are some of the specific items for operator compliance to be detailed in a bubble leak test procedure?



The best leak detector solutions routinely used for bubble leak testing preferably should have what interaction with the surface of the test specimens?



A field crew is performing vacuum box bubble leak tests. What action would he take in the following situation? An operator is testing the job and notices poor fit-up, and very rough welds with excess reinforcement. This is making leak testing very difficult and slowing the crew. What steps should be considered?



The type of leak detector solution to use on a particular job would normally be selected:



An accurate quantitative measurement of the total leakage rate of a pressurized vessel can be determined by the bubble leak test method:



Under normal shop or field conditions at a differential pressure of one atmosphere (101 !cPa or 14.7 psig), a pressure bubble leak test enables the detection of leaks and leakage as large as:



When a pressure bubble leak test is to be performed on a large welded steel pressure vessel with many feet of weld to be tested, it would be better to complete the job as fast as possible by:



The purpose of notching the end of the pipe nipple of the pressurizing test assembly for bubble leak testing a reinforcing pad plate is to:


Question 1 of 37

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